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The Home24h project is a perfect example of TECES’ good practice in managing a successful cooperation of 12 Slovenian companies. Partners used their complementary knowledge and experiences to implement newly developed, technologically advanced yet complementary solutions into a new concept of smart and sustainable construction. The green smart and connectable…
Enriching the membership experienceMembers of all three partnerships under the auspices of TECES Green Technologies, SRIP Smart Buildings and Home with a Wood Chain and the Slovenian Partnership for Energy and Environment in the Field of Defence (SiEnE) will have the opportunity to participate in technical support activities "Towards Green…
Že uporabljate moderne pristope pridobivanja kadrov? Rešujete poslovne izzive in hkrati krepite svojo blagovno znamko?Predlagamo vam spletni SYeNERGY HEKATON, ki združuje vse tri istočasno! Namenjen je pridobitvi inovativnih in kreativnih rešitev na zastavljen izziv podjetja, pridobitvi CV-jev udeležencev, vpogled v njihov način razmišljanja in dela ob hkratni krepitvi blagovne znamke…
Poslanstvo TECES je zagotavljanje podpornega inovacijskega okolja za učinkovitejše povezovanje ter ustvarjanje sinergij naših članov in deležnikov preko vključevanja v razne skupne aktivnosti na področju zelenih tehnologij in energetsko učinkovitih rešitev.Zato z veseljem predstavljamo nove aktivnosti in dogodke pod novo celostno podobo SYeNERGY. Namenjene so povezovanju naših članov, partnerjev in…
Ministrstvo za obrambo RS (MORS) je pristopilo k več projektom energetske sanacije svoje infrastrukture. Želja je opremiti obstoječo in bodočo infrastrukturo s pametnimi senzorji ter komunikacijskim sistemov za spremljanje energetske porabe obstoječih objektov in porabnikov. Želja MORS-a je pridobiti potencialne ponudbe rešitev zainteresiranih deležnikov, ki so še v fazi razvoja…
Obveščamo vas, da je Ministrstvo za javno upravo, dne 12.02.2020, objavilo Javni razpis za demonstracijske projekte vzpostavljanja pametnih mest in skupnosti »JR PMIS« z rokom 23.04.2021. Razpis PMIS nudi možnost sofinanciranja priprave, organizacije ter izvedbe demonstracijskih projektov, katerih rezultat morajo biti nove ali izboljšane inovativne, digitalne rešitve in/ali storitve iz…
As from October 2020, TECES has been conducting a feasibility study on ways of developing smart deployable infrastructure or Smart Deployable Camps (SmartCamp) under a public procurement contract for the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (MoD).The aim of the R&D study is to analyse the state of…
Skilled and competent human resources are one of the key conditions for the growth and successful performance of any business entity. Consequently, TECES is always looking for new paths and has been carefully developing comprehensive services and activities to support human resources development for our members.In TECES, we continuously keep…
Smart Buildings and Home including Wood Chain (SRIP PSiDL) is taking part in the revision of Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4), as part of Slovenia’s preparatory efforts for the new European cohesion policy in the programming period 2021–2027. At the same time, SRIP PSiDL has revised its own action plan…
Slovenia has started its intensive preparations for the implementation of the European cohesion policy in the programme period 2021–2027. One of the conditions for harmonising the documents with the European Commission is a properly revised Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4). With the objective of continuing the revision of S4, a…
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