Podjetja, izkoristite priložnost finančnih spodbud za krepitev kompetenc starejših zaposlenih od 45 let. TECES v sodelovanju s partnerji svojim članom nudi možnost celovite podpore podjetjem za aktivno staranje delovne sile; od brezplačne priprave vloge na razpis ASI, podpore pripravi strategije za učinkovito upravljanje starejših zaposlenih, organizacije in izvedbe izobraževanj, administrativno tehnične podpore in vodenja projekta skladno razpisnim pogojem.

We have just launched the website for the strategic development & demonstration project “Home24h – The smart home of tomorrow, for a comfortable and healthy living and working environment”.

Home24h is an integrative project for developing & demonstrating products (of renowned Slovene companies) used in the smart buildings of tomorrow, developing appropriate business models for marketing, and developing & demonstrating a new concept of living and working in a home in use 24 hours a day.

Considering the recent growing need for teleworking, the multimodal living concept – that allows users to use the building as both a home and a workplace at the same time – is particularly interesting.

We have just launched the website for the strategic development & demonstration project “Home24h – The smart home of tomorrow, for a comfortable and healthy living and working environment”.

Home24h is an integrative project for developing & demonstrating products (of renowned Slovene companies) used in the smart buildings of tomorrow, developing appropriate business models for marketing, and developing & demonstrating a new concept of living and working in a home in use 24 hours a day.

Considering the recent growing need for teleworking, the multimodal living concept – that allows users to use the building as both a home and a workplace at the same time – is particularly interesting.

At TECES we are very proud of our role in the Home24h project. We have been actively participating in the project since the initial outline and design of the partnership. We coordinated all activities to prepare the project proposal for the public call, and are now responsible for coordinating the project’s implementation, as well as monitoring its progress and meeting of targets.

Skilled and competent human resources are one of the key conditions for the growth and successful performance of any business entity. Consequently, TECES is always looking for new paths and has been carefully developing comprehensive services and activities to support human resources development for our members.

In TECES, we continuously keep abreast of the market situation and, above all, the needs of our members. Accordingly, we ongoingly adjust our services and expand our business model by listening to all key stakeholders. In accordance with the main tenet of our work – creating synergies through partnerships – most of our services are developed in partnership with others.

In partnership with Styria digital marketplaces d.o.o., organiser of the Mojedelo.com career event, we have started developing support services that will help our members collaborating through TECES-backed partnerships rise to the challenges they face in human resources development and associated professional challenges.

TECES s ciljem krepitve sinergije med člani in podpore aktivnostim na področjih delovanja partnerstva TECES / SRIP PSiDL usmerja 125.000 € v podporo teh aktivnosti. Podprte aktivnosti morajo biti skladne usmeritvam partnerstva na področjih krepitve skupnega razvoja in raziskav, razvojno strateških (dobavnih) verig vrednosti med nosilci verig, dobavitelji in uporabniki rešitev, internacionalizacije, mednarodnega sodelovanja in prepoznavnosti ter usposabljanja in izobraževanja zaposlenih.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019 15:14

Vzpostavljen KATALOG DOGODKOV s podporo TECES

S ciljem krepitve sinergije med člani in podpore aktivnostim na področjih delovanja partnerstva TECES / SRIP PSiDL smo vzpostavili spletni KATALOG DOGODKOV s podporo TECES.

Obveščamo vas, da je Ministrstvo za javno upravo, dne 12.02.2020, objavilo Javni razpis za demonstracijske projekte vzpostavljanja pametnih mest in skupnosti »JR PMIS« z rokom 23.04.2021. Razpis PMIS nudi možnost sofinanciranja priprave, organizacije ter izvedbe demonstracijskih projektov, katerih rezultat morajo biti nove ali izboljšane inovativne, digitalne rešitve in/ali storitve iz vsebinskih področij pametnih mest in skupnosti na osnovi tehnologije interneta stvari.

Na razpis PMIS se lahko prijavijo konzorciji občin, kjer so ponudniki tehnoloških rešitev vključeni kot podizvajalci. Skupna višina sredstev 8.000.000 €, posamezen projekt med 300.000 - 1.000.000 € v obdobju 24 mesecev.

JR pri usmerjanju predlogov rešitev demo projektov upošteva smernice Slovenske strategije pametne specializacije (S4). V primeru želje priprave predlogov projektov delovanja na področjih, ki so bližje delovanju SRIP Pametne stavbe in delovanju TECES, vam je lahko v pomoč tudi pred kratkim potrjen Akcijski načrt SRIP Pametne stavbe 2020 – 2023.

V primeru zaznanega interesa s strani občin ali podjetij in v primeru želje priprave predlogov projektov na področjih, ki so bližje področjem SRIP Pametne stavbe in TECES ter vključevanju teh rešitev v pametna mesta in skupnosti, se lahko za pomoč s svojimi predlogi obrnete na TECES.


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